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Metroid fans will be eating well in 2025. We’ll get ours terribly patient hands up Metroid Prime 4: Onward for which variant(s) of the Nintendo Switch it is launched. And I suspect there will be a huge overlap of players who might also be interested in this new 208-page hardcover art book coming out July 31, 2025 and available for pre-order now at Amazon for $44.99.
Metroid Prime 1-3: A Visual Retrospective from publisher Piggyback features plenty of art, behind-the-scenes information, and commentary from key members on the development of the trilogy of Prime titles that spanned the GameCube and Wii, plus the phenomenal 2023 Switch remaster of the original Prime game. WowI honestly wish this came out sooner.
According to Piggyback siteThe book was developed in collaboration with Nintendo and Retro Studios and contains concept art and illustrations from the trilogy. Since only the cover has been revealed, we can only imagine all the cool art and anecdotes that await us in the book. Piggyback has created many great books. The most recent hit was the 496-page hardcover strategy guide for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdomwhich is a very good deal $22.50.
As is always the case with book pre-orders through Amazon, should the pre-order price drop between the time you buy a copy and its launch (as has happened a few times, down to $34.99), you’ll be charged the lowest price at which it was offered during the pre-release period.
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